Hlavní strana ZemĚ Itálie Methodology Step 1 : Research and knowledge Quantitative and qualitative surveys Restaurant qualitative survey In Italy

In Italy

Apart from one pizzeria, all other restaurateurs were aware of a raise in demand for healthy food by the customers. They have noticed a growing preference for quality not quantity. Quality is manifested in using local produce and Italian olive oil. None of the restaurants interviewed were aware of any government initiatives to promoted healthy eating, as currently in Italy none exists. The restaurants serving Italian food were also aware of seasonal food and were changing their menu regularly.
In regard making changes to the way they cook, only three reported having the willingness to make changes and would consider those only following demand from the customers. The restaurateurs were looking for ways that would encourage restaurants to cook healthily suggesting tax incentives as one possible option. Several of the restaurant owners were keen to participate in training that demonstrates healthy cooking in an economical way.