Hlavní strana ZemĚ Itálie Methodology Step 2 : Recommendations In Italy Recommendations to the employees and restaurants (2016)

Recommendations to the employees and restaurants (2016)

Recommendations to the employees

  • Avoid salt, or use it in moderation, since many foods already contain it. In any case, use iodised salt (no more than a pinch or one single sachet)
  • Drink water during lunch
  • Pay attention to the portion size you need, and moderate consumption of processed and fatty meals
  • Eat at least 5 portions of fruit and veg a day
  • Have a fruit-based dessert, or alternatively, a yoghurt
  • Use cooking methods that don’t require much in fats (oven cooking, steaming or grilling)
  • Avoid snacks rich in saturated fats, salt or sugar
  • An alternative to meat is a combination of legumes and cereals
  • Lead a varied diet, and during the week eat fish and legumes at least three times, alternating the main protein source (meat, fish, eggs and cheeses)
  • The balance is reached by maintaining a healthy lifestyle day in day out

Recommendations to the restaurants

  • Make imaginative meals, varying the foods and even their colouring
  • Offer legumes regularly
  • Offer whole bread at the table
  • Use little (iodised) salt in meals that also contain spices
  • Alternate between animal proteins (red and white meat, dairy products and eggs)
  • Offer fish-based meals regularly
  • Use extra virgin olive oil
  • Offer fruit-based desserts
  • Offer raw vegetables and yoghurt rather than potato chips and savoury snacks
  • Steam cook, instead of grilling or oven cooking, avoiding the excessive use of condiments
  • Offer mineral water
  • Increase the supply of seasonal fruit and veg

Criteria to respect in order to be part of the FOOD restaurants’ network

Following the creation of the FOOD recommendations for restaurants, a network of restaurants respecting a certain number of recommendations was created.
In Italy, restaurants have to apply 7 out of the 11 recommendations in order to be part of the FOOD restaurants network.

To see the map of the entire network of FOOD restaurants, click here