Home About FOOD from 2009 to today Programme - 2012

Programme - 2012

The FOOD project officially ended on 30 April 2011, the date stipulated in the co-financing contract with the European Commission. However, the partners had already taken the crucially important decision to continue the efforts set in motion during the project period. Given the results and the quality of the tools developed over a 28-month period, FOOD was converted into a programme, based on the same principles and objectives as the pilot project.

On 14 December 2011, 23 partners signed a new Consortium Agreement setting out the main actions and the structure of the programme, which allows greater scope for the development of new national approaches, while respecting the European dynamics of sharing knowledge and results.

The plan to continue FOOD in programme form also aims to develop it in new countries and with new partners. Following the Slovak Republic in February 2011 and Portugal in 2012, the Consortium has been pleased to welcome new countries: Austria (2015), Romania (2018) and Hungary (2021).

Brief outline of the programme:

  • The complementary axes of supply and demand remain at the heart of the action taken under the programme. The development of the network of restaurants that apply the FOOD recommendations is, in particular, one of the countries’ priorities.
  • The use of the tools created as part of the project is also an asset. These tools were assessed in 2010.
  • The programme is punctuated by the assessment of messages and tools thanks to:
    • annual barometers, so that the results on eating habits during the working day can be accurately compared
    • short questionnaires, specific to each country, intended for restaurants and employees
    • mystery visits to restaurants in the FOOD network so as to keep check on compliance with the recommendations.
  • National meetings will be held at least once or twice in each country in order to launch questionnaires, gather the results and take new decisions in the national strategy.
  • Finally, a general meeting attended by all the partners will be held as far as possible once a year. These meetings are vitally important to launch new dynamic processes, shared in all the countries, and to exchange ideas.