Step 2 : Recommendations
Recommendations to the employees
- Pay attention to the quality of the food you eat and make sure you eat smaller portions.
- Eat at least 5 portions of vegetables or fruit every day.
- Use whole wheat bread and pasta.
- Have a meat-free day at least once a week!
- Try opting for lean cuts of meat more frequently.
- Eat fish at least once a week.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of liquid a day! 5 of these should be water.
- Reduce your salt and sugar intake!
- Cut down on fat consumption and use olive oil more frequently.
- Choose fresh fruit as a dessert.
- Don’t rush eating lunch, not even on workdays.
Recommendations to the restaurants
- Instead of deep fat frying, use healthy kitchen technologies (e.g. sous vide, steaming).
- Use plant-based oil for cooking and cold-pressed oils or salads (e.g. olive oil).
- Opt for brown rice, pseudo cereals, steamed vegetables and salads as side dishes.
- Recommend eating low-fat or fish-based dishes several times a week.
- Salt dishes in moderation, use herbs for seasoning and avoid using flavour enhancers.
- Serve whole wheat bread and pasta.
- Thicken stews and cream soups by pureeing the main ingredients.
- Make sure to include fresh fruit as a dessert option.
- Allow choosing dishes in smaller portions.
- Make sure to recommend meat-free and allergy-free dishes.
- Place drinking water on the tables.
Criteria to respect in order to be part of the FOOD restaurants’ network:
Following the creation of the FOOD recommendations for restaurants, a network of restaurants respecting a certain number of recommendations was created.
In Hungary, restaurants have to apply 8 out of the 11 recommendations in order to be part of the FOOD restaurants network.
To see the map of the entire network of FOOD restaurants, click here