Home Partners Italy University of Perugia (UP)


University of Perugia (UP)


  • Italy
  • FOOD programme
  • FOOD project

In addition to being one of the most accredited national universities, the University of Perugia also holds a place of absolute prestige within the European context. This is evidenced by the results it has achieved both in the field of scientific research as well as in the academic programmes it offers. The University has three Centres of Excellence of international importance as well as a number of national research centres. Moreover, the University has collaborative scientific relationships with other European, American, Japanese, Chinese and Indian universities. The twenty-nine departments into which the University is organised carry out intense promotional and development work that guarantees both quality and quantity to scientific research.
The section “Public Health + Experimental Centre for Health Education (CSESi)” since 1928 (CSESi 1954) has always contributed in research and innovation in the field of public health in particular the CSESi has run a Master in Health Education, now Health promotion and Education. Member of the International Association for Health Promotion and Education and member since 1996 is partner of the European Network for Workplace Health Promotion. In particular, Dr. Giuseppe Masanotti has been consulate for WHP of the National Institute for Health Protection at Work. The institute is also consulate of the Region Umbria and the Ministry of Health for public health policies – in particular training on health promotion.